CT Types

A visual comparison of regular CTs with our dedicated CTs, both solid and split core.

CT image comparison

Size Comparison

Regular vs Dedicated CT

Various CT Size Comparison

Regular Split Core

Regular split core CT
Current Rating Outer Dimensions
(W x H x D)
Window Dimensions
(A x B)
100A / 200A 51 x 67 x 34 mm 24 x 24 mm
400A 68 x 85 x 42 mm 36 x 37 mm

For existing panels that need to be retrofitted with meters, the space is sometimes simply too cramped to accommodate regular CTs due to their large size, but our regular split core CTs are only about half the size and can often fit within the space of existing panels; in addition, they can be installed without even having to interrupt the power or changing the wiring. Their output is 1A instead of 5A, they are available in 100A, 200A or 300A capacities.

pdf download Regular CT datasheet

Dedicated Solid Core

Our dedicated CTs are specific to our panel meters and the SMB350.
Small dedicated solid core CTs

Existing panels are too cramped for regular CTs, but our dedicated CTs are only about a third of their size and often small enough to fit. They are available in 5A, 50A and 200A capacities.

CT windings comparison for regular and dedicated CTs

Regular CTs have poor accuracies and often need multiple windings to compensate, but our dedicated CTs are accurate enough that do not require it.