HVAC Time Tariff Meter

Research Room Air Conditioning Tariff
Time tariff is applicable to HVAC central air conditioning wherein a/c use is based on the operating time of the room blower fan.
Energy tariff is not suited for central or VRV air conditioning as the power consumption information is not readily accessible, so time tariff is the way to go for both.

Classroom Air Conditioning Tariff
In a classroom that uses either VRV or central air conditioning, electricity tariff is not applicable, so only time tariff can be applied

Topping Up


- The card reader should be installed near the living or activity space for convenient access.
- Power: User inserts card to get power.
- Tariff: Works like a prepaid style phone card, credit is deducted as time elapses.
- Finished Using: Removing card cuts off power.
- Topping Up: User just buys a loaded smart card to use; once used up, the card can be reloaded and reused.
Suitable A/Cs
Can be used for various types of air conditioners including: central a/c, split-type a/c, window type, standing box type, and variable frequency a/c.

Energy Saving

- Change Behavior: When the user pays, they become more conscientious of their energy use and will try to conserve energy as extraneous use comes out their own pocket.
- Managed Use: Having a card before being able to use is also a form of managed use, as only authorized personnel will possess a card and can use the a/c.
- Time Based Tariff: Certain a/c types is not amenable to electricity metering as the electricity used is not directly measurable; in these cases, one can meter the elapsed time instead; but regardless of whether the purpose is for tariffing or to save energy, time based tariffing is the best solution.
Classroom Energy Saving Air Conditioning Control
During classes, the instructor inserts the card to enable the a/c; after class, the card is removed and power is cut off.
Long Term Rental Tariff
For the purpose of air conditioning tariff by stall, one can make use of a user pays model.


Faculty Research Rooms

Small Offices
Short Term Rental Tariff
Available anytime simply by buying a prepaid card. Insert card to get power, remove card to stop, pay only for the time used.

Work Room Rental

Hotel Room Air Conditioning

Ball Court
Insert To Use

Research Room
- The card reader only recognizes the card and not the person who carries it; the card can be used on any card reader, making this a true user pays system.
- Display the remaining credits, when the credits are used up, the power ceases.
- Three possible ways to tariff:
- Inserting card immediately starts tariff
- Tariff while the valve is on
- Tariff while the fan is operating
(1) Time Tariff

(2) Valve Tariff

(3) Fan Tariff

Tariff Rate

Tariff Rate On The Card
Different users can have different rates.
Example: During the mornings, the classroom is for student use; in the evenings, the same classroom is rented to the community college.
Approach: The new rate is changed through the credit dispenser when the card is topped up; the administrator does not need to roam around to update each reader with the new rate.